#BetterTogether - 24/7 Connections
Overview of the 24/7 Connections initiative
Trialled 24/7 electricity connections service to enable customers faster connections when they’re left without power overnight or through the weekend. Live testing commenced in late 2019 with an average connection time of just 1.46 hrs in the Jemena electricity network with EnergyAustralia in Phase 1 and AGL in Phase 2. 24/7 Connections service trial was then expanded with Powershop and Alinta Energy in 2020.
Who collaborated on this initiative?
Led by EnergyAustralia and Jemena, with rollout to AGL, Origin and Powershop.
What were the outcomes?
Phase 1 trial showed that by aligning back-end systems, the vast majority of customers were able to have their electricity connected an hour after they called EnergyAustralia. Phase 2 ensured more than 90 percent of customers connected within 1 hour of their preferred time. Learnings and insights have been shared during 2021 and this trial continues to operate to improve customer outcomes. This is now BAU between participating collaborators.
Completed: September 2021
Last updated: June 2022