Biodiversity + Renewables

Biodiversity opportunities through the energy transition

Both the conservation and energy sectors recognise the importance of managing and minimising environmental impacts from renewable energy projects.

Business-as-usual presents risks, both to the environment and to social licence for a rapid rollout of renewable energy projects (i.e. energy generation, storage and transmission development). Effective collaboration between environmental and energy organisations may greatly reduce, and in some cases eliminate, these risks.

It is for these reasons that through our Collaboration Memorandum of Understanding, RE-Alliance and the Energy Charter created a platform for collaboration for energy and environmental leaders in Queensland to support and encourage continual improvement in planning and delivering better practice environmental outcomes at all stages of renewable energy projects’ life cycles.

Better Practice Renewables and Biodiversity: Opportunities for Collaboration Guide

This Better Practice Renewables and Biodiversity: Opportunities for Collaboration Guide showcases several environmental interventions at every stage of renewable energy project development, from energy system design to end-of-life. It outlines some of what is possible through case studies and identifies opportunities for cross-sector collaboration.

Following a series of environment and energy cross-sector workshops in Queensland hosted by RE-Alliance, the Energy Charter and Powerlink Queensland, the Better Practice Guide was developed with over 30 collaborators from the environmental and energy sectors.

What is the #BetterTogether Biodiversity + Renewables initiative?

The #BetterTogether Biodiversity + Renewables initiative aims to deliver better outcomes in the intersection between biodiversity and renewable energy.

To achieve this, RE-Alliance and the Energy Charter have collaborated to:

  • Build a container for safe discussion and genuine relationships between conservation groups, environmental groups, energy businesses and renewable developers in Queensland
  • Develop a shared understanding of the risks and opportunities in the intersection between biodiversity and renewable energy infrastructure through a series of ongoing workshops
  • Sharing diverse perspectives across the collaborators
  • Co-design a Better Practice Renewables and Biodiversity Guide

What are the workstreams?

In August 2022, RE-Alliance, Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC), the Energy Charter and Powerlink Queensland conducted a kick-off workshop in Brisbane for environmental and energy industry leaders to come together and explore the challenges and opportunities associated with renewables and nature in the energy transition.

Two working groups were formed with two collaborative workstreams, including:

  1. Mapping project: to synthesise environmental and energy network information to determine optimal regions for low-impact renewable development. This workstream is led by CAFNEC and the Queensland Conservation Council.
  2. Better Practice Renewables and Biodiversity Guide: created through a codesign process with environmental and renewable energy sector stakeholders to inform where the opportunities for collaboration around better practice can be found. This workstream is led by RE-Alliance and the Energy Charter.

Who is collaborating on the initiative?

Community Outcome Group 

RE-Alliance, Cairns & Far North Queensland Environmental Centre (CAFNEC) and a broad range of conservation and environmental groups including the Queensland Conservation Council, WWF Australia, The Sunrise Project, Beyond Zero Emissions, The Next Economy and Terrain NRM. 

Industry Collaborators

Powerlink Queensland, CS Energy, Energy Queensland and Energy Estate, together with non-Signatories: CleanCo Queensland and Stanwell

Martine Holberton

Want to learn more about this #BetterTogether initiative?

If you would like to learn more about the #BetterTogether Biodiversity + Renewables initiative, or how you can get involved in making a difference, please reach out to Martine Holberton, Director, Renewables.