Priority #BetterTogether - Cost of Living Supports
Increasing cost-of-living pressures are placing greater pressure on energy consumers, particularly those already facing vulnerable circumstances. Through the Priority #BetterTogether – Cost of Living Supports, Energy Charter signatories have committed to align action on a range of relief, support and prevention measures (the PSR framework developed by the Energy Equity Program of GEER) that assist customers and communities facing vulnerable circumstances as cost-of living pressures rise.
This includes:
- The Energy Charter Statement of Support (SoS)
- The Concessions Awareness and Engagement Campaign 2023
- Community Capability Building through the expansion of the #BetterTogether Voices for Power initiative
Energy Charter Statement of Support (SoS)
Why: To assure customers and communities that the energy industry is working together to address cost-of-living pressures, Energy Charter signatories have come together to align support for customers and communities experiencing vulnerability through an Industry Statement of Support (SoS).
What: The SoS outlines a range of initiatives against three core commitments:
- We will provide relief to customers to alleviate cost-of-living pressures
- We will support customers to manage cost-of-living pressures by building resilience, capacity and capability
- We will mitigate future cost-of-living pressures for customers by proactively addressing risk-factors and structural/systematic issues
The SoS commitments are in addition to individual programs and initiatives within each business and complement existing collaborations, such as the Priority #BTs Landholder + Community Social Licence and the Customer Code Knock to Stay Connected.
Importantly, the SoS is backed by a commitment to transparency and accountability on action and outcomes through the Energy Charter annual Disclosure and decentralised accountability process.
Who: AGIG, APA Group, Ausgrid, Aurora Energy, CS Energy, Endeavour Energy, EnergyAustralia, Energy Qld, Essential Energy, Horizon Power, Jacana Energy, Jemena, Powerlink Queensland, SA Power Networks, TasNetworks and Transgrid.
Elevating Cost-of-Living Energy Support Resources
Discover how we’re working with the energy sector to better support customers + how you can get involved! This webinar covered what the Energy Charter does + the cost-of-living Statement of Support (SOS), including how we work with community organisations + the importance in working together.
#BetterTogether initiative overviews + proven customer benefits
Hear #BetterTogether initiative overviews and the proven benefits and impacts to customers + communities from:
- Matt Cairns, VIC + TAS Program Manager at Uniting Care about the #BetterTogether Uniting Energy Support Program
- Ferdi Botha, Senior Research Fellow at Melbourne Institute about the #BetterTogether Keep the Money. It’s yours. Energy Concessions Campaign
- Andrea Linsenmeier, Head of Customer Operations at EnergyAustralia about the Knock to Stay Connected Customer Code
- Cissy Shen, Engagement Lead at Jemena + Allison Winter, Leader Strategic Engagement at TasNetworks about the #BetterTogether Energy Literacy Program
Also hear more about HelpPay with Co-Founder, Andrew Ellett + Way Forward with Senior Manager, Operations, James Hoang.
Our Initiatives
Concessions Awareness and Engagement Campaign
A large proportion of energy consumers are missing out on the energy concessions they are entitled to. Concessions provide direct and targeted relief on rising energy bills, a significant contributor to household cost-of-living expenses.
There is an opportunity for the Energy Charter signatories to show leadership and collaborate on action to support customers and communities in vulnerable circumstances.
Community Capability Building – Voices for Power
Expansion of the successful #BetterTogether ‘Voices for Power’ train-the-trainer initiative to South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory and Tasmania, including training and mentoring a cohort of “Community Energy Trainers” who will deliver culturally appropriate energy literacy workshops to diverse communities.
![Uniting Energy Support Program](
Uniting Energy Support Program
The Uniting Energy Support Program initiative was designed to provide ongoing financial counselling support for energy customers facing vulnerable circumstances. This includes offering free tailored, one-on-one advice and assistance to help navigate bills, energy efficiency and access to supports.