Uniting Energy Support Program

What is the program?

Based on the findings in our COVID-19 research, the Uniting Energy Support Program initiative was designed to provide ongoing financial counselling support for energy customers facing vulnerable circumstances. This includes offering free tailored, one-on-one advice and assistance to help navigate bills, energy efficiency and access to supports.

Who does the program support?

The program supports customers who disengage from their retailers as they build up debt due to low income, housing challenges and a lack of awareness of supports that are available to them.

Matt Cairns, Uniting’s Energy and Financial Literacy Program Manager shared with us what their financial counsellors are seeing,

“We are continuing to support households access relevant and appropriate supports including debt relief payments, concessions, energy efficiency advice, and setting up affordable payment plans.”

Uniting was a key partner in our energy concessions awareness and engagement campaign, Keep the money. It’s yours. for good reason, as Matt explains, “Over 45% of our clients are eligible for concessions but not receiving them – this is across all jurisdictions but mostly an issue in NSW, Victoria and QLD.” 

Uniting also supports with the set up of affordable payment plans, which has proven to make a significant difference to their clients with payment plans set up for 37% participants.

"Just being able to access that [Uniting service] - if it wasn't for that I don't even know where I would be to get my electricity bill down."
Allanah, NSW
Uniting Program participant
"But as far as whatever Uniting did, they did everything and more, really, with helping with everything with the house electricity bill and everything. They made the biggest input…they were telling the electricity company, ‘This is all you’re getting and this is what you’re going to have to do until they get back on their feet."
Ben, VIC
Uniting Program participant

Industry Collaborators

Congratulations to APA, CS Energy, Energy Queensland, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, Jemena, Powerlink Queensland and TasNetworks for supporting this important initiative.

Reach out to our Director, Energy Equity

If you would like to learn more about the Community Capability Building, Voices for Power initiative, or how you can get involved in making a difference, please reach out to Bec Jolly, Director, Energy Equity.