Life Support Customer #BetterTogether Commitments
Following sessions with energy and health consumer representatives and the Life Support Medical Advisory Group, four critical opportunities and commitments were identified to improve protections for Life Support Customers.

Commitment 1
Re-define Life Support Customers + Proposed Rule Change

Commitment 2
Co-development of a National Medical Registration Process

Commitment 3
Co-development of National Outage Back-up Plan Template

Commitment 4
Co-development of National Information and Awareness Campaign

Commitment 1: Re-define Life Support Customers + Rule Change Request
Adam Johnston Lived Experience Panel Chair
Life Support Registers need to identify customers who have critical needs for continuous power.
This opportunity introduces a Critical Needs Life Support Customer definition whereby critical energy-based life support needs are determined by a registered medical professional.
This definition was included in our Rule Change Request, incorporating the introduction of a new critical energy Life Support Customer definition and submitted for considerations to Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) at the end of August.
The importance of better protections for Life Support Customers
The proposed Rule Change seeks to enhance the support provided to Life Support Customers amidst a rapidly evolving energy landscape. Factors such as the energy transition, climate change and frequent natural disasters, alongside an ageing population and a rise in home-based medical treatments, present new challenges in the energy sector.
The initiative aims to improve the identification, information accessibility and targeted support for Life Support Customers, particularly those whose health and safety are severely impacted by power outages.
Concerns for Life Support Customers
This Rule Change is the result of over two years of collaborative efforts, informed by the 2022 Australian Energy Foundation report. The report revealed concerning statistics: 59% of Life Support Customers rely on their medical equipment to sustain their life at home, yet many are underprepared for power outages. For instance, 54% lack a plan for outages and only 7% have access to back-up power if required.
Identifying Critical Life Support Customers
To address these gaps, the Rule Change introduces the definition of “Critical Life Support Customers,” whose life-sustaining energy needs are determined by medical professionals. This allows energy providers to better prioritise support during power outages. By identifying this critical subset of customers, energy retailers and distributors can more effectively manage resources and ensure timely assistance.
The initiative is supported by the Consumers Health Forum of Australia and informed by lived experiences of Life Support Customers. Ultimately, the Rule Change aims to improve the safety and wellbeing of all Life Support Customers by offering tailored, proactive care during power outages.
View the submitted Rule Change
This Rule Change was submitted to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) at the end of August (changed from 31 July 2024). You can view the Rule Change submission on their website.

Commitment 2: Co-development of a National Medical Registration Process
A medical registration process will be required to identify Life Support Customers who have critical needs for continuous power.
This opportunity introduces a new definition of critical energy Life Support Customers into a national Medical Registration Template Form and associated process. This will ensure safety steps are taken as part of the Medical Registration Process build capacity of health and wellbeing services to implement the Medical Registration Process for all Life Support Customers.

Commitment 3: Co-development of National Outage Back-up Plan Template
All Life Support Customers would greatly benefit from outage backup plans that account for their ongoing medical capacity.
This opportunity recognises that most people on the Life Support Equipment Register don’t have adequate back-up plans/equipment. Working with representatives of Life Support Customers, their carers and professionals from health services who will form the Community Outcomes Group, alongside Energy Charter #BetterTogether Collaborators, we will develop a national outage back-up plan template.
Want to join the Community Outcomes Group?
If you would like to help co-develop the back-up plan, please express your interest in joining the Community Outcomes Group (COG) for this initiative.

Commitment 4: Co-development of National Information and Awareness Campaign
Life Support Customers would greatly benefit from more information and awareness on medically informed outage back-up planning as well as what happens in a planned and unplanned outage.
This opportunity includes working with those with lived experience as a Life Support Customer, their carers and professionals from health and services alongside #BetterTogther Collaborators to co-develop a national information and awareness campaign.
This campaign will ensure diversity and equity underpins communication approaches and provide Life Support Customers with regular updated information and support including (but not limited to):
- in the preparation of natural disasters
- if they move house or
- if their medical situation changes.