#BetterTogether - Victorian Gas New Connections
Overview of the Victorian Gas New Connections initiative
This #BT made it easier for customers to connect to gas in Victoria irrespective of their postcode area, as new gas connections requirements differ across Victoria, making it complex and costly for customers and others in the supply chain, such as developers. Victoria Gas New Connections Insights Overview – November 2021
Who collaborated on this initiative?
Led by AGIG, AGN, APA, AusNet and current running a trial with Origin Energy, AGL and EnergyAustralia.
What were the outcomes?
The 3 Victorian gas distribution businesses have worked together to improve and standardise the new gas connection process in Victoria to make it easier for customers to connect to gas, irrespective of their postcode area, improving the customer experience. This included: A. Site readiness document to standardise ‘site ready’ requirements and technical differences across the state Multinet Gas Builders Information B. 10 Step Process for new Victorian gas connections Australian Gas Networks – Gas Connection Victoria, Multinet Gas Applying for your gas service connection.
Completed: September 2021
Last updated: June 2022